is specific for the hypochondrial area. Moving Liver-Qi helps to move Liver-Blood.
- P-6 indirectly moves Liver-Qi and Liver-Blood, calms the Mind and settles the Ethereal
Soul. It is excellent for hypochondrial pain deriving from emotional strain. - T.B.-6 moves Liver-Qi in the hypochondrial region.
- LIV-3 moves Liver-Blood, calms the Mind and settles the Ethereal Soul.
- SP-10 and BL-17 move Blood.
- LIV-14 and BL-18, Front-Collecting and Back-Transporting point of the Liver
respectively, regulate the Liver and move Qi and Blood.
Herbal Treatment
Chai Hu Su Gan Tang Variation
(Bupleurum Soothing the Liver Decoction)
Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri 6 g
Bai Shao Radix Paeoniae albae 4.5 g
Zhi Ke Fructus Citri aurantii 4.5 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae uralensis praeparata 1.5 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri reticulatae 6 g
Xiang Fu Rhizoma Cyperi rotundi 4.5 g
Chuan Xiong Radix Ligustici wallichii 4.5 g
Yu Jin Tuber Curcumae 6 g
Yan Hu Suo Rhizoma Corydalis yanhusuo 6 g
- The first seven herbs constitute Chai Hu Su Gan Tang.
- Yu Jin and Yan Hu Suo strongly move Liver-Blood and stop pain. Yu Jin, in particular,
is good for the emotional depression deriving from stagnation of Liver Qi and Blood.
- If there is constipation add Da Huang Rhizoma Rhei.