Hypochondrial distension and pain, the former more marked than the latter, depression,
moodiness, belching, frequent sighing and a Wiry pulse.
Damp-Heat in Liver and Gall-Bladder
Pain and fullness of the hypochondrium, bitter and sticky taste, poor appetite, feeling of fullness
of the epigastrium, nausea, vomiting, yellow sclera, a sticky-yellow tongue coating and a
Slippery pulse.
The differentiation between the pattern of stagnation of Liver-Qi and that of Damp-Heat in Liver
and Gall-Bladder is illustrated in Table 15.1Table 15.1.
Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment
Stagnation of Liver-Qi
General Prescription
LIV-14 Qimen, LIV-3 Taichong, G.B.-34 Yanglingquan, Dannangxue. Reducing method.
- LIV-14 and LIV-3, Front-Collecting and Source points of the Liver, soothe the Liver,
move Qi and stop pain. - G.B.-34 and Dannangxue regulate the Gall-Bladder and stop pain.
Herbal Treatment
Chai Hu Su Gan Tang Variation
(Bupleurum Soothing the Liver Decoction)
Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri 6 g
Bai Shao Radix Paeoniae albae 4.5 g
Zhi Ke Fructus Citri aurantii 4.5 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae uralensis praeparata 1.5 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri reticulatae 6 g