Reducing method.
- G.B.-24 and G.B.-34 regulate the Gall-Bladder and resolve Damp-Heat.
- ST-19 regulates the Gall-Bladder and stops pain.
- Du-9 resolves Gall-Bladder Damp-Heat.
- SP-9 resolves Damp-Heat.
Herbal Treatment
Da Chai Hu Tang Variation
(Big Bupleurum Decoction)
Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri 15 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae baicalensis 9 g
Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae ternatae 9 g
Bai Shao Radix Paeoniae albae 9 g
Da Huang Rhizoma Rhei 6 g
Zhi Shi Fructus Citri aurantii immaturus 9 g
Sheng Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis officinalis recens 15 g
Da Zao Fructus Ziziphi jujubae 5 dates
Jin Qian Cao Herba Desmodii styracifolii 9 g
Hai Jin Sha Spora Lygodii japonici 9 g
- Chai Hu and Huang Qin, the two main ingredients of the Xiao Chai Hu Tang Small
Bupleurum Decoction, regulate the Lesser Yang. - Ban Xia resolves Phlegm.
- Bai Shao stops pain and moderates urgency.
- Da Huang clears Damp-Heat by moving downwards.