and Emptiness with the consequent principle of treatment.
Retention of Food
Clinical Manifestations
Rotten-smelling loose stools, abdominal pain which is relieved by the bowel movement,
borborygmi, bad digestion, feeling of fullness, belching, sour regurgitation, foul breath, no
Tongue: thick coating.
Pulse: Slippery.
Treatment Principle
Dissolve food, eliminate stagnation.
General Prescription
Ren-10 Xiawan, ST-21 Liangmen, ST-44 Neiting, ST-25 Tianshu, SP-4 Gongsun, Ren-12
Zhong-wan. Reducing or even method on all points except Ren-12 which should be reinforced.
- Ren-10 stimulates the descending of Stomach-Qi.
- ST-21 resolves retention of food.
- ST-44 is used if retention of food is associated with Heat.
- ST-25 stops diarrhoea.
- SP-4 resolves retention of food.
- Ren-12 tonifies the Spleen to resolve retention of food.
Herbal Treatment