Folio Bound VIEWS - Chinese Medicine

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This tablet can be used for headaches from Blood stasis as its only ingredient, San Qi, moves
Blood and treats headaches.

This remedy is available also as a powder called Sheng Tian Qi Fen Fresh Notoginseng Powder.

The tongue presentation appropriate to this remedy is a slightly Purple body.

Tong Jing Wan
(Penetrating Menses Pill)

E Zhu Rhizoma Curcumae zedoariae
San Leng Rhizoma Sparganii
Chi Shao Radix Paeoniae rubrae
Hong Hua Flos Carthami tinctorii
Chuan Xiong Radix Ligustici wallichii
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae sinensis
Dan Shen Radix Salviae miltiorrhizae


Although this pill is primarily to move Blood and regulate menstruation, it can be used for
headaches from stasis of Blood as two of its ingredients, Chuan Xiong and Hong Hua, relieve

Please note that this remedy has the same pinyin spelling, but different meaning and ingredients,
as the other remedy Tong Jing Wan which means "dysmenorrhoea pill".

The tongue presentation appropriate to this remedy is a Reddish-Purple body.

Table 1.1Table 1.1 compares and contrasts the above five remedies for headaches from stasis of

Case History 1.6

Headaches: Stasis of Liver Blood-Female, Age 31

A 31-year-old woman had been suffering from chronic headaches since her childhood. The
headaches occurred on either side of the head (along the Gall-Bladder channel) and settling
behind either eyeball. The pain was severe and stabbing in nature and was accompanied by
vomiting and diarrhoea. Her periods were scanty. Her tongue was Pale and slightly

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