Poetry for Students

(Rick Simeone) #1

86 Poetry for Students

Lines 14–16
Throughout the first three stanzas, lines 1 to
13, examples of the opposite side of kindness grow
more serious and more depressing: from the future
as dissolving salt, losing something once held dear,
and forfeiting a life’s savings to the lonely, haunt-
ing death of an unknown Indian who “lies dead by
the side of the road,” seemingly of no concern to
those who pass by. The phrase “tender gravity” im-
plies the fickle and fragile nature of kindness, and
it is this deepest level that one needs to reach to
understand kindness. The word “tender” also is a
startling opposite of the senseless inhumanity in let-
ting the dead lie in the street without the benefit or
respect of proper treatment.

Lines 17–20
Lines 17 through 20 are perhaps the most
poignant in the poem. They make a remarkably
strong human-to-human connection between the
forgotten dead Indian and every person who passes
by—the “you” in general. The vital message is that
what happens to the Indian can happen to anyone
in the world. The words “this could be you” bring
the poem’s message down to the gut level: Re-
gardless of one’s ethnicity or race, economic sta-
tus, nationality, educational level, or any other
defining characteristic, human beings are all
“someone... with plans / and the simple breath”
that keeps them alive. This theme not only is per-
tinent in “Kindness” but also permeates much of
Nye’s work. Its reflection on her personal life as
an Arab American is both unmistakable and

Lines 21–22
In direct and precise language, lines 21 and 22
highlight the opposing poles of kindness and sor-
row. They begin the third consecutive stanza that
begins “Before you,” but this stanza ties together
the concrete images of the beginning of the poem—
salt, broth, bus riders, maize, chicken, Indian, and
white poncho—with more contemplative, philo-
sophical aspects. Kindness and sorrow are parallel.
Before one can “know kindness as the deepest thing
inside,” he or she must know that it has a real and
formidable opposite: Sorrow is the “other deepest

Lines 23–26
Lines 23 through 26 demonstrate how impor-
tant it is to realize true sorrow before being able to
understand true kindness. To say that one “must
wake up with sorrow” implies how deep the feeling

should be ingrained in a human being before he or
she can appreciate the beauty of having sorrow
lifted through kindness. In lines 24 through 26, Nye
again relies on metaphor to convey the actual depth
of sorrow’s impact. The message is that everyday
talk must be full of sorrow until “your voice /
catches the thread of all sorrows,” “thread” imply-
ing something connecting and growing. When one
sees “the size of the cloth” that sorrow becomes,
one knows how large a part it plays in the overall
fabric of human life.

Lines 27–29
Lines 27 through 29, which begin the fourth
and final stanza of “Kindness,” mark a turning
point in the tone and ultimate message of the poem.
After all the examples of how bad ignorance, des-
olation, and sorrow can be, it is finally “only kind-
ness that makes sense anymore.” Kindness is tied
to the simple, everyday things that the average hu-
man being can relate to: tying shoestrings, mail-
ing letters, buying bread. The common
occurrences listed may be misleading in their ap-
parent simplicity. The actual message is that all of
everyday life revolves around how people are
treated on a regular basis. Sometimes the smaller
things a person experiences, such as daily chores,
are made possible only by the knowledge that
somewhere out there someone else was kind to him
or her that day.

Lines 30–32
In lines 30 through 32, Nye uses
personification—the technique of bringing a con-
cept or nonhuman thing to life by attributing to
it a human form, human characteristics, or human
behavior—to describe the relationship between
kindness and the “you” in the poem. Kindness
“raises its head / from the crowd of the world,”
implying its uniqueness in an otherwise cold and
mean environment. Nye then gives kindness a
strong and undeniable existence in human life: “It
is I[emphasis added] you have been looking for.”
This line leaves no question about the importance
of kindness in people’s lives. Kindness purports
itself to be the very thing that human beings are

Lines 33–34
The final two lines of the poem leave the reader
with a positive thought, personifying kindness as a
welcomed being in anyone’s life. Kindness “goes
with you everywhere,” like a willing partner who
aims only to please. At times it may be “like a

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