The Decisive Battles of World History

(ff) #1

Lecture 16: 1532 Cajamarca—Inca vs. Conquistadors

o Some established large empires created by conquest and held
together by an administrative structure and road-building.

x The Inca were relative latecomers to this environment, but all these
elements would be incorporated into their culture. After founding
the city of Cuzco, the Inca gradually increased in power until they
controlled the entire valley and surrounding regions.

x Cuzco remained the capital city, but the empire was divided into
four administrative districts of varying size. Cuzco was considered
the center of the world, and four great highways leading to each of
the regions converged at its central plaza.

x Rest stops and storehouses were erected at intervals along the roads
so that the army could march swiftly, and a network of relay runners
was established to carry messages. Altogether, about 25,000 miles
of roads linked an empire with an estimated population of around
10 million.

x All Inca males were required to undergo basic military training,
making it easy to raise armies of tens of thousands in times of
crisis, and the system of storehouses greatly facilitated supplying
of 10 and various multiples up to the largest unit size of 10,000, all
foot soldiers.

x Popular missile weapons were slings and bolas—stones joined by a
hand-to-hand weapon was a club or mace consisting of a wooden
shaft with a stone or metal head molded with pointy knobs. Armor
consisted of quilted or padded garments, light shields, and helmets.

likely this was smallpox. Among the victims was the emperor, as
well as his chosen heir. Between the terror caused by the epidemic
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