The Decisive Battles of World History

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Lecture 7


ew countries can boast that they have had approximately the same
culture, language, borders, and religions continuously for more than
2,000 years, but such is the case with China. During a roughly 150-
year period, from 260 to 110 B.C., a series of strong leaders and generals,
through military force, welded together a group of separate and highly
the territory that would develop into the economically vital Silk Road.

Chaotic Times in Chinese History
x The entire later history of China was forged in the wars of the period
from 260 to 110 B.C., yet it was not a single battle that marked
these turning points; in each case, they were determined by longer
military campaigns or even a series of wars.

x The heartland of China is a rough square measuring about 2,000
miles a side. This land is divided into northern and southern halves,
each centered on one of the great basins of the Yangtze and Yellow
rivers and each with its own distinctive climate and terrain. By 1700
B.C., large, culturally sophisticated empires, such as the Shang
dynasty, had emerged along the Yellow River.

x During a tumultuous 500-year period from 722 to 221 B.C., the
core region of China fragmented into rival kingdoms that fought
era is called the Spring and Autumn period, while the second half is
the Warring States period. The famous military text The Art of War,
of warfare used in these chaotic times.
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