84 General Medical Emergencies
1 Avoid the temptation to simply sedate the confused patient, without looking
carefully for the underlying cause(s).
2 Admit all patients under the appropriate specialist team.
Recall (3 points)
- Now what were the three objects I asked you
to remember?
Apple 1
Table 1
Penny 1
Language (9 points)
- What is this called? (Show wristwatch) 1
What is this called? (Show pencil) 1 - I’d like you to repeat a phrase after me: No ifs ands or buts 1
- Read the words on the bottom of this
page and do what it says
Closes eyes 1
- (Read the full statement below before
handing the respondent a piece of paper.
Do not repeat or coach)
I’m going to give you a piece of paper.
What I want you to do is take the paper
in you right hand, fold it in half and put
the paper on your lap
Takes with
right hand
Folds in half 1
Puts on lap 1
- Write a complete sentence on this piece of paper. The
sentence should have a subject, verb and make sense.
Spelling and grammatical errors are OK
- Here is a drawing. Please copy the
drawing on the same piece of paper
(Hand the respondent a drawing of
two intersecting pentagons)
Correct if two
intersect to
make a four-
sided figure
Total score (out of 30)
A score of 20 or less indicates cognitive impairment.
Higher scores are expected in the well-educated, and lower scores in the elderly, the
uneducated, and the mentally impaired.
From Folstein MF, Folstein SE, McHugh PR (1975) Mini-Mental State. A practical
method for grading the cognitive state of patients for the clinician. J Psychiatr Res
Table 2.7 contd