Emergency Medicine

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

102 General Medical Emergencies

3 Examine for focal neurological signs. Seizures and coma may develop later.
(i) Look for papilloedema, retinal haemorrhages, exudates and
cotton-wool spots on funduscopy (grade IV retinal changes).
4 Gain i.v. access and send blood for FBC, ELFTs, blood sugar and cardiac
biomarker such as troponin if there are chest pains or ECG changes. Attach a
cardiac monitor and pulse oximeter to the patient.
5 Perform an ECG and request a CXR.
6 Check an MSU for proteinuria and send it for microscopy to look for
evidence of renal disease, with casts or abnormal urinary red blood cells
(>70% dysmorphic).
(i) Perform a urinary -human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG)
pregnancy test (qualitative and immediate) or send blood
(quantitative but takes time).
7 Arrange an urgent CT brain scan.


1 Give the patient oxygen, and aim for an oxygen saturation above 94%.
2 Get senior ED doctor help and ta ke expert adv ice.
(i) Aim to reduce mean arterial pressure (MAP) initially by no more
than 25%, or aim for a diastolic BP of 100–110 mmHg within the
first 24 h.
(ii) Use oral treatment with labetalol 100 mg, atenolol 100 mg or
long-acting nifedipine 20–30 mg.
(iii) Avoid an i.v. agent such as sodium nitroprusside 0.25–10 g/
kg per min i.v., unless admitted to ICU with intra-arterial blood
pressure monitoring in place.
3 Refer the patient to the medical team for blood pressure control and to
observe for the complications of heart failure, aortic dissection, intracranial
haemorrhage and renal impairment (cause or effect).



1 ‘Common’ migraine or migraine without aura (66–75% migraineurs). This is
diagnosed by a history of at least five previous attacks that:
(i) Last 4–72 h if untreated.
(ii) Have at least two of the following headache characteristics:
(a) unilateral
(b) pulsating or throbbing
(c) moderate to severe
(d) aggravated by movement.
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