Emergency Medicine

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

252 Surgical Emergencies

7 Determine the depth of the burn.
(i) Full-thickness: the skin is white or brown, dry, leathery, and
anaesthetic with no capillary refill. This will require skin grafting.
(ii) Partial-thickness
(a) deep dermal – the skin is pink or white, feels thickened, does
not blanch, and has reduced sensation. This should heal over
in about 3 weeks, but some areas may require grafting to
avoid leaving a scar
(b) superficial – the skin is red and blistered, blanches and is
painful. This should heal spontaneously in 10–14 days.
(iii) Superficial: erythema, blanching and pain occur, followed by
peeling as in sunburn. This should heal rapidly in 5–7 days.
8 Insert two large-bore i.v. cannulae and send blood for FBC, U&Es, CK, blood
sugar, G&S and a drug screen if there is suspected alcohol or drug abuse.
(i) The cannula may be placed through burned skin if absolutely
necessary, or use a cut-down technique if no vein is found.
(ii) Avoid central line insertion because there is a high risk of sepsis
from this procedure.
9 Check ABGs. An elevated carboxyhaemoglobin level will confirm exposure
to carbon monoxide (see p. 184).
10 Monitor the ECG and attach a pulse oximeter to the patient.
11 Request a CXR.


1 Confirm the adequacy of the airway and give 100% oxygen by tight-fitting
mask with reservoir bag.
2 Give salbutamol 5 mg nebulized for wheeze.
3 Organize for an airway-skilled person to perform urgent endotracheal
intubation using an RSI technique with an uncut endotracheal tube in
patients with:
(i) Significant burns involving the face, tongue and pharynx.
(ii) Stridor, hoarseness, respiratory distress or a deteriorating level of
(iii) Evidence of cyanide toxicity from smoke and fume inhalation.
4 Commence i.v. f luids in any burn >10% BSA in a child or 15% BSA in an
adult, or for associated injuries causing hypovolaemia.
5 Determine the rate of f luid administration using the Parkland formula:
(i) Give fluid at 4 mL/kg per percentage of BSA burned
(a) administer the first 50% in the initial 8 h, and the remaining
50% in the subsequent 16 h.
(ii) More rapid fluid replacement may be required to catch up if
there has been a delay in reaching hospital.
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