Emergency Medicine

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

298 Orthopaedic Emergencies


4 Isolated, little-finger knuckle ‘boxer’s injury’
Many different methods of reduction and splintage have been tried.
(i) Simple ‘buddy-strapping’ of the little finger to the ring finger, a
padded crêpe bandage, a sling and analgesia are as effective as
any, particularly if angulation is less than 45°.
(ii) Remember that if the knuckle struck a tooth and the skin has
been broken, this is a potentially serious injury. It may involve
underlying tendons or penetration of the joint capsule and there
is high risk of infection
(a) explore the wound in both the neutral position and with the
fist clenched. If there is any suggestion of penetration into
the joint space or tendon, refer the patient immediately to the
orthopaedic team for surgical exploration and debridement.
Give flucloxacillin 2 g i.v.
(b) otherwise, take a wound swab for bacterial culture and
irrigate the wound with normal saline. Give the patient
amoxicillin 875 mg and clavulanic acid 125 mg, one tablet
b.d. for 5 days and tetanus prophylaxis
(c) review the wound within 24 h.

Fractures of the proximal and middle phalanges


1 Similar mechanisms of injury and rules of management apply, as described
previously for metacarpal fractures.
2 Examine all cases for rotational deformity. Check that on f lexing the fingers
into the palm, the tips all point to the scaphoid.
3 X-ray all injuries to look for fractures, dislocations, subluxations and radio-
opaque foreign bodies.

1 Refer all multiple, compound, angulated or rotated fractures, and those
associated with marked soft-tissue damage or involving a joint surface, to
the orthopaedic team.
2 Otherwise, buddy-strap the finger, give the patient a high-arm sling to
prevent oedema, and give an analgesic such as paracetamol 500 mg and
codeine phosphate 8 mg. Refer to the next fracture clinic.

Fractures of the distal phalanges


1 These fractures are usually caused by a crushing injury resulting in a commi-
nuted fracture of the bone.
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