administration (calcium chloride)
calcium-channel blocker overdose
child 345
hyperkalaemia 133, 143
hypermagnesaemia 140
hypocalcaemia 139
disorders 138–9
cardiorespiratory arrest in 9–10
calcium-channel blocking drugs 183
children 368
calcium gluconate with hydrofluoric acid
burns 190
calcium pyrophosphate arthropathy
(pseudogout) 107
calculus see stone
calf squeeze test 314
call-out to major incidence 458
Campylobacter 148
in HIV disease/AIDS 154
skin 116–18
eyelid 418
capacity (mental) 451
carbon dioxide tension, arterial (PaCO 2 )
assessment 125, 126
compensatory changes 127, 128, 129
see also hypercapnia; hypocapnia
carbon monoxide 184–5, 250, 252
carboxyhaemoglobin levels 15, 184, 252
carcinoma, basal cell, eyelid 418
cardiogenic shock 16, 17
see also heart
cardiopulmonary resuscitation 2–13
children 336, 338, 339–47, 371
definitive care 6–13
hypothermia 10, 207
initial approach 2–6
late pregnancy 388–9
lightning strike 216
multiple injuries 218–22
stopping/discontinuing 13, 346
stress and anxiety (professionals)
cardiorespiratory arrest
reversible causes 341, 346
signs and avoidance 339
electrolyte disorders 9–10, 132, 133
hypothermia 10, 207, 208
lightning strike 215, 216
pregnancy, causes 388
resuscitation see cardiopulmonary
reversible causes 9–11
cardiovascular disorders
in anaphylaxis 27
in cyanide poisoning 185
in decompression illness 209
in tricyclic antidepressant poisoning
see also circulation
cardioversion, DC 63, 474–5
paediatric 338
carotid sinus massage 63
carotid territory disease/dysfunction/
ischaemic event 93, 94, 95
carpal injuries 292–5
carpal tunnel syndrome 330
cauda equina damage/compression 245,
331, 332
CD4+ count and HIV infection 153
CDC see Centers for Disease Control
antibiotic prophylaxis 320
orbital/periorbital 418
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC)
HIV 153
travellers’ health website 158
pandemic influenza 163
central disc prolapse 331–2
central nervous system manifestations
decompression illness 209
high-voltage electrocution 214
cyanide 185
lithium 180
organophosphates 187
tricyclic antidepressants 174
see also neurological conditions
central respiratory drive, loss 129
central retinal artery occlusion 422–3
central retinal vein occlusion 423–4
central venous line 6, 476–80
central vertigo 400