Emergency Medicine

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


subarachnoid haemorrhage 96, 99–100
arrhythmias see arrhythmias
coronary disease 44–50
enzymes, with myocardial contusions
external massage see chest,
rate (normal), children 337
syncope relating to 88
tamponade see tamponade
see also cardiorespiratory arrest;
cardiovascular disorders;
heat illnesses 202–3
heat loss see hypothermia
Heimlich’s manoeuvre (abdominal
thrusts) 14
child 342
helicopter transfer 456
helminths 162
deep venous thrombosis 57
hyperglycaemic hyperosmolar non-
ketotic syndrome 80
non-ST elevation MI 49
pulmonary embolism 55
ST elevation MI 47
hepatitis 147–8
viral see viral infections
herpes simplex
blistering 113
genital 150
keratitis 420
herpes zoster see shingles
high-velocity wounds 240
high-voltage electrocution 213–14
hip dislocation 302–3
histamine H 1 antagonist, urticaria 110
HIV see human immunodeficiency virus
hives 110
hordeolum 417
housemaid’s knee 330
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
needlestick/sharps injury and risk of
humeral fractures
condylar and epicondylar 284–5

shaft 282
supracondylar 283
upper and head 279, 281–2
hydrofluoric acid burns 190
hydroxocobalamin, cyanide poisoning
hydroxychloroquine overdose 185, 368
hyperbaric medicine unit in
decompression illness 210
with barotrauma 211, 212
hyperbaric oxygen, carbon monoxide
poisoning 185
hypercalcaemia 138–9
hypercapnia 130
hyperextension injury
fingers 299
neck 230
hyperglycaemic hyperosmolar non-
ketotic syndrome 80
hyperkalaemia 132–4, 143
cardiorespiratory arrest in 9–10
digoxin overdose 178, 179
hypermagnesaemia 139–40
hypernatraemia 135–6
hypersensitivity (allergic) reactions
children 351–2
see also anaphylaxis
malignant, encephalopathy in 101–2
in pregnancy 385, 385–6
hyperthermia 202–5
hypervolaemic hyponatraemia 137
hypocalcaemia 139
cardiorespiratory arrest in 9–10
hypocapnia 53, 131
alcohol intoxication and exclusion
of 85
in head injury 32
hypokalaemia 134
cardiorespiratory arrest in 9–10
hypomagnesaemia 140–1
hyponatraemia 136–8
calcium-channel blocker induced 183
orthostatic/postural 88, 120
hypothermia 205–7
cardiorespiratory arrest in 10, 207, 208
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