foot 315
hand 298–9
Phalen’s test 330
pharyngeal foreign body 405–6
phenobarbitone (phenobarbital), infusion
guidelines 38
phenytoin, infusion guidelines 38
physical restraint 440
pinna (auricle), trauma 396
placenta praevia 384
placental abruption 384, 387, 388
planning, major incident 457
plasminogen activators see streptokinase;
tissue plasminogen activator
plaster (of Paris)
ankle injury 311
Colles’ fracture 292
scaphoid fracture 293
splintage, tibial shaft fracture 309
platelet counts, low (thrombocytopenia)
pleurisy 59
pneumonia 48
children 350–1
community-acquired 67–71
pneumothorax 48, 72–5
tension 10, 25, 220
traumatic 72, 220, 231
poisoning see toxicology
police 453–4
rape 392
polyarthropathy, acute 108
Portuguese man-of-war 197
post-coital contraception 389–90
post-renal failure 142
postural hypotension 88, 120
diabetic coma/precoma 79
in hypokalaemia 135
disorders see hyperkalaemia;
metabolic alkalosis due to depletion
of 128
potassium-exchange resin 134
pralidoxime 188, 461
precordial thump 2
asthma 66, 67
children 348
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
pre-eclampsia 385–6
pregnancy 381–9
bleeding see haemorrhage
drug prescribing 376
ectopic, ruptured 377–8
late-stage conditions 383–9
test 377
pre-patellar bursitis 330
pre-renal failure 142, 143
preschool children see infants and
preschool children
prescribing in pregnancy 376
pretibial laceration 326
primary survey in multiple injury 218
procainamide, infusion guidelines 38
progestogen-only pill
missed 391
morning-after (high-dose
levonorgestrel) 390
propofol, infusion guidelines 38
in theophylline poisoning 181
toxicity 182, 368
protein (blood), normal values 504
pruritus 113–14
pseudogout 107
pseudohyponatraemia, factitious 136
psychiatric conditions 437–44
abdominal pain 274
pubic bone injuries 242, 303
pulled elbow 286–7
pulmonary embolus 48, 51–5
pulmonary non-vascular disorders see
pulp space
infections 434
traumatic exposure 428
finger, infections 325
pulseless electrical activity 8–11
pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VT)
puncture injuries 324–5
see also penetrating injuries
pupils, pinpoint 33
purpuric conditions 114–15