Creating Images 3
A client using Internet Explorer 6 says that he
can see the alternate text when he mouses over
the image. Why is this?
Older versions of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browser
displayed image alternate text as a tool tip. This was
never a part of the official specification for browsers,
so no other browser did it. Microsoft discontinued the
practice in the newer versions of IE.
How do blind users surf the Web?
Blind users rely on software called screen readers,
which read aloud everything on the screen. Screen
readers read the alternate text descriptions of
images on your page as your blind user navigates
around the document.
When viewed in a browser, the
page should not appear any
differently than it did before.
Alternate text is provided for
people with disabilities, and
does not affect the way the
page displays.
3 Type =”?”, replacing? with
a description of the image.