Web Design

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


Style Lists ............................................................

3 Within the style sheet,
type ul.
4 Press.
5 Type {.
6 Press.
7 Type list-style-
type: ?;, replacing? with
disc, circle, or
8 Press.

1 In your editor, open an HTML
document that contains an
unordered list.
2 If necessary, add a set of
<style> tags to the head
of the document.

Note: The following steps can be
completed in an external style
sheet if you want.

Style Lists


SS provides several properties to style lists. Two very common properties are adjusting the
indentation of the list items and changing the bullet type. You can use margins and padding

to control or eliminate the indentation of the list. The CSS list-style-type property allows

you to change the bullet for unordered lists. Possible values are disc, square, or circle. For

numbered lists, you can use the property to change the numbering scheme. Some common values

include lower-roman or upper-roman for Roman numerals, lower-alpha or upper-alpha

for English alphabetic characters, and decimal or decimal-leading-zero.






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