Web Design

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


Edit a Photoshop Image in Dreamweaver ..................

The original PSD image is
opened in Photoshop.
3 Make any desired edits to the
image in Photoshop.
4 Click File.
5 Click Save.

1 Click an image on your page
that was inserted from a
Photoshop PSD file.
2 On the Properties panel, click
the Edit button ( ).

Edit a Photoshop Image in Dreamweaver


hen you directly insert a Photoshop image into Dreamweaver, a link back to the original source
PSD file is maintained, which allows you to edit the image and have the image in your Web

page update automatically. The image displays an icon in its top left corner indicating that it is

from a Photoshop image, and also indicating whether or not the version you currently see on the

page corresponds to the most recent version of the Photoshop image. If you alter the PSD, this icon

changes, but you can simply click the Synch button on the Properties panel to update the image.






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