Web Design

(Nancy Kaufman) #1



Creating a Page Visually in Dreamweaver 8

● The style sheet is modified.
Design view updates to
display the changed property.

6 Select the property you want
to add.

7 Set its value.

This example adds a
background image to the




Does Dreamweaver correctly display all styles?
Unfortunately, Dreamweaver’s Design view does not
always display complex CSS styles accurately,
particularly when it comes to using CSS layouts. You
can preview your page in a browser or use Live view
to see how the page will really look.

Is there an easy way to tell what styles are being
applied to an element?
Yes. When you select an area on the page, the Code
Navigator appears as a small ship’s wheel icon ( ).
You can click the icon to see a display of all of the
styles currently applied to that area of the page,
and you can click a style listed to edit it.
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