Add New Styles .....................................................
The New CSS Rule dialog box
3 Choose the type of selector
you want to use.
4 Type the name of the
5 Choose whether you want the
style added to an existing
external style sheet, a new
external style sheet, or
embedded on the page.
6 Click OK.
1 Click or select an element on
the page to which you want
to add a style.
2 On the CSS Styles panel,
click the New CSS Rule
button ( ).
Add New Styles
n addition to modifying existing styles, Dreamweaver makes it easy to add new styles to elements
on pages. The New CSS Style button at the bottom of the CSS panel opens a dialog box that you
can use to set the desired selector. Then, you are presented with another dialog box that contains
most CSS properties, organized into categories. Most of these properties are presented with drop-
down lists that allow you to choose the value you want to use from available defaults. Once you
finish setting up the rules, you can click OK to have the style added to your style sheet.