Adding Interactivity and Multimedia 9
● When viewed in Firefox,
Safari, or Chrome browsers,
the video plays.
6 Type <source src=”?”
mp4a.40.2”>, replacing?
with the path to the video.
7 Press.
8 Type .
What browsers support HTML5 video?
As of mid-2010, Firefox 3.5, Opera 10.5, and Chrome
5 support video using the OGG codec, and Chrome,
Safari, and the browsers in the iPhone, iPad, and
Android mobile devices support video using the
H.264 codec. Currently, Internet Explorer does
not support HTML5 video, but IE9, due out in late
2010, will.
What is a codec?
A codec is the means by which video is encoded.
HTML5 currently does not support a particular
codec, hence the need to have multiple copies of
the video. A very detailed explanation of codecs,
along with step-by-step instructions for converting
video to OGG and H.264, can be found at http://