Web Design

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


Group Related Form Elements .................................

4 Type <legend>.
5 Type a descriptive legend for
the set of fields.
6 Type </legend>.

1 In your editor, open an HTML
page that contains a form
and form fields.
2 Within the form, type
3 Press.

Group Related Form Elements


he HTML <fieldset> tag allows you to organize your form into logical groups of elements.
Grouping elements allows you to provide a better layout for your users and may cause longer

forms to look less overwhelming. Within a fieldset, you can nest a tag to add descriptive

text about the set. The fieldset will appear as a border around its fields, and the legend will display

in the top-left corner of the set. Fieldsets can be nested within other sets, so you can also use it to

organize subgroups, such as sets of check boxes and radio buttons.






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