Web Design

(Nancy Kaufman) #1



ypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the fundamental language for Web pages and an essential
starting point for anyone wanting to learn Web design. Thankfully, HTML is not a programming

language. You do not need to learn complicated logic processes or worry about performing

mathematical computations. Instead, HTML is best seen as a set of relatively simple instructions to

the Web browser, telling the browser how it should interpret the text. HTML is completely free, so

you never have to worry about paying to use it.

Introduction to HTML

Elements are the basic pieces that make up HTML. The language
contains roughly 100 elements, and when placed in a tag and
inserted into your page, they tell the browser how to render the
text. Examples of elements include html, body, p, and









Often, the element alone does not provide enough information
to tell the browser exactly how to handle text. In these cases,
you also need to add attributes, which provide the additional
details on how that element should display. Attributes go
inside tags, after the element.


HTML documents are made up of text surrounded by tags. A tag is
an instruction to the software that displays the page — usually a
Web browser — on how the text contained within the tag should
be interpreted and displayed. A tag is made up of angle brackets
and an element name, and sometimes includes attributes.

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