Search the Database ..............................................
4 Type <input type=”text”
id=”search” />.
5 Type <input
value=”Search” />.
6 Type .
7 Save the page in the server’s
Web root.
1 In your editor, create a new
HTML document.
2 In the body, type <form
action=”?”>, replacing?
with the path to a PHP
3 Type <label
Search the Database
roviding a search form is an effective way of allowing users to find the information they want
on your site. With your information stored in a database, enabling search on your page simply
involves creating a form for the user to type their search parameters, then using that data in a query
that displays the results of the search. Thus, searching involves simply combining the information
you have already gained in this chapter: creating and processing forms, running queries against the
database, and displaying the results. You need to add a filter, using the WHERE clause, to your SQL
statement to return only the records that match the search.