Web Design

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


use of $ (dollar sign), 285
use of period (.) in, 307
using include directive with, 288–289
where loop, 306
PHP documentation Web site, 315
.php extension, using, 282
PHP function
creating, 290–291
using return keyword with, 290
PHP pages. See also Web pages
creating, 280–281
displaying tables on Web pages, 304–307
organizing files in root directory, 283
saving, 282–283
testing, 282–283
typing http://localhost, 283
use of <?, 281
use of ; (semicolon), 281
PHP script
creating for table data, 314–315
troubleshooting, 315
phpMyAdmin tool
creating tables in, 296
described, 296
populating tables with data, 300–301
picas, measuring in CSS, 100
pixels, measuring in CSS, 100
PNG (Portable Network Graphics) image format
described, 50
and GIF features, 53
optimization, 52
using in Fireworks, 80
points, measuring in CSS, 100
pound sign (#), using with href attribute, 40
protocols, 5
PSD image format
using in Photoshop, 64
using in Photoshop Elements, 72
using in Dreamweaver, 190
pseudo-classes, using in CSS, 142–143
pseudo-elements, using in CSS, 140–141

radio buttons, adding to HTML forms, 260–261
Rehabilitation Act, 243
relational databases, described, 294

Photoshop Elements (continued)
editing images in, 66–67
organizing images in, 67
resizing images in, 71
rotating images in, 68
saving images for Web in, 72–73
sharing images from, 67
using to fix colors, 68
Photoshop Elements interface
command bar, 59
common tasks, 59
menu bar, 59
mode switcher, 59
panels, 59
project bin, 59
toolbox, 59
Photoshop images
editing in Dreamweaver, 194–195
inserting in Dreamweaver, 190–193
Photoshop interface
document information, 58
document tabs, 58
menu bar, 58
panels, 58
toolbox, 58
view buttons, 58
workspace menus, 58
calling mysql_connect function, 302
concatenation in, 307
connecting to databases, 302–303
connecting to MySQL, 294
else statement, 310
field types, 312–315
header() function, 314
if else statement, 311
if statement, 310–311
implementing secure connections, 303
INSERT INTO statement, 314
inserting data into tables, 312–315
mail() function, 286
methods used in forms, 285
processing form data in, 284–285
referencing super-global, 284–285
sending e-mail with, 286–287
testing conditions, 311

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