<span> tag
applying, 41
versus <div> tag, 133
using in CSS, 130–131
SpiderPic Web site, 55
Spry framework, creating menu with, 218–219
SQL (Structured Query Language). See also databases
DCL (Data Control Language), 295
DDL (Data Definition Language), 295
described, 295
DML (Data Manipulation Language), 295
INSERT INTO statement, 314
language subsets, 295
syntax, 295
VALUES keyword, 314
SQL keywords, capitalization of, 305
starter pages
column layouts in, 186
navigation links in, 187
replacing content in footer, 186
replacing content in sidebar, 186
replacing main content in, 185
using in Dreamweaver, 182–183
static versus dynamic sites, 272
stock images. See also images
acquiring legally, 51
choosing sizes for, 57
downloading from Web, 54–57
saving, 57
Stock.xchng Web site, 55
storyboarding Web pages, 11
Strict document type, 26–27
<strong> tag, applying, 32–33
Structured Query Language (SQL). See SQL (Structured Query
style lists. See also lists
adjusting indentation in, 177
using, 176–177
style sheets. See CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
<style> tag
using with embedded styles, 98–99
using with JavaScript, 210–211
styles. See also CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
applying with classes, 134–135
applying with IDs, 136–137
relative paths, 34
remote server, setting up in Dreamweaver, 324–325
Resig, John, 222
resolution of images, 53
RGB (red, green, blue) devices, 104
robots.txt file, using Disallow statements with, 336
root folder
organizing, 13
organizing below, 15
rowspan attribute, using in HTML, 166–167
royalty-free images, using, 51, 55
“rule of thirds,” following for image composition, 63
Safari browser, 7
saving Web pages, 22–23
script writing utility, Adobe Story, 203
search engine optimization (SEO). See SEO (search engine
search engines, preventing listing pages on, 336–337
search form, providing, 308–311
Section 508, 243
section subnavigation, planning, 14
<select> tag
using multiple attribute with, 263
using with drop-down lists, 262
SEO (search engine optimization)
accessibility, 328
avoiding all-image image pages, 329
following guidelines, 329
Google, 328
PageRank, 328
servers, creating folders on, 327
server-side scripting languages, 272
site statistics, viewing, 203
SiteCatalyst NetAverages, 203
sitemap, creating, 334–335
sites. See also Web sites
defining in Dreamweaver, 181
developing timelines for, 11
planning, 11
publishing using FTP, 322–323
Skip navigation link, hiding, 249
slash (/), using with folders, 34
SMTP program, downloading, 286
source documents, organizing, 13
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