Web Design

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


Link within a Page

2 Before the text you want
to use as the link, type
replacing? with an identifier
for the point on the page to
which you want to link.

Note: The identifier must be a
single word without spaces.

3 After the text, type .

1 Open the page on which you
want to add internal links.

Link within a Page


f you have a particularly long document, you may want to provide links internally; that is, links
from the top of the document to headings within the document, or a link at the bottom back up

to the top. When creating these links, you will need to once again add an anchor tag, but you must

also add some HTML code at the point to which you want to link. This becomes the target of the

link. The easiest way to do this is to add an ID attribute to an existing tag. Your anchor tag’s href

attribute then begins with a pound sign, followed by the ID.


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