Legally Acquiring Stock Images 3
ny creative work is protected by copyright. This applies to written works such as this book as well
as artistic works such as photographs. You are of course free to use any image that you create
yourself. If you work for a large company, they will likely have sets of images that they have already
acquired that are again safe to use on the company’s Web sites. Before you can use an image that
you or your company did not create, you need to be sure that you have the legal right to use it.
Royalty-Free Images
If you want to use someone else’s work, you must pay them for that work
through royalties every time you use it. However, you may be able to pay
for an image once and then freely use that image from then on. Such
images are known as royalty-free images. Note that you may have to pay
a fee upfront, so royalty-free does not necessarily mean free.
Stock Images
Stock images are generally royalty-free images made available for use by
companies and organizations. Stock images tend to be somewhat
general in their subject matter: groups of people, animals, and scenery
are common subjects for stock images.
When in Doubt, Do Not Use It
The penalties for using someone else’s copyrighted material can be
severe. The simplest way to protect yourself from getting sued for
illegally using images is to never use something unless you are
absolutely certain doing so is okay. Do not use an image off a site
unless you can find text on the page from which you are getting the
image that clearly states that it is okay.