Web Design

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


Save an Image for the Web in Photoshop

The Save for Web & Devices
dialog box appears.

3 Select a format from the
pop-up menu.

1 Click File.

2 Click Save for Web &

Save an Image for the Web in Photoshop


hotoshop uses a native format, PSD, to save its images. Most of the adjustments and edits you
make to images in the program cause it to save the image to this format, regardless of the format

in which the image began. You therefore need to save it for the Web as a GIF, JPEG, or PNG once

you have completed editing. Photoshop’s Save for Web & Devices dialog box provides an easy way

to optimize the image and then save it to the appropriate format. Most images that you create or

modify in Photoshop work best as JPEGs.




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