● The image is resized.
1 Click Image.
2 Click Resize.
3 Click Image Size.
The Image Size dialog box
4 Click Resample Image
( changes to ).
5 Enter a new width for the
image in the Pixel
Dimensions section.
6 Click OK.
Resize an Image in Photoshop Elements
he primary feature digital camera marketers focus on is megapixels. Contrary to popular belief,
this has nothing to do with the quality of the image; rather, it is merely a measurement of the
size of the image that the camera can take. A 6-megapixel camera likely takes images that are
far too big for a Web site: about 3,000 pixels wide by 2,000 pixels tall. Most Web sites can more
effectively use images between 100 and 600 pixels wide. You can use Photoshop Elements to scale
them down to a size that better fits your site’s design requirements.