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(Nancy Kaufman) #1



Get to Know the Illustrator Interface 3


lmost all computer graphics are either bitmaps, meaning that they are composed of small, square
pixels, or vectors, which are constructed by defining points and using mathematical algorithms
to draw lines between the points. Illustrator is an extremely powerful vector-based design tool. Many
of the logos that represent major corporations were designed in Illustrator. Like its Creative Suite
counterparts, Illustrator’s interface contains a series of panels, from which most of the program’s
features can be accessed, and a set of drawing tools.

Menu Bar
You can access
the commands in
the program from
these menus.

Bridge and
Window Tools
Launch Bridge
or arrange open

Change the layout
of the panels by
selecting a
different workspace.

Most of your work in Illustrator will be done with
these panels. Click a panel’s icon to expand it.

The drawing and other tools in the program can be
accessed from the Toolbox.

Control Bar
The items available on the Control bar differ
depending on the currently selected tool.

Document Tabs
You can switch between open documents by
selecting its tab.

The drawing area for your document.

The area surrounding the canvas can be used as a
virtual desktop to place items you plan to use later.
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