Creating Images 3
How can I add more colors to the Fill Color
drop-down menu?
Illustrator displays the current document’s swatches
in the Fill Color drop-down menu. You can add new
colors by clicking Window and Color and dragging
the sliders to create a color. Then, click the pull-
down menu in the top right corner of the panel and
select Create New Swatch.
Do I need to select the text with the Type tool to
change font properties?
No. You can change the font, color, size, alignment,
and other font properties from the Control bar if you
have the text box selected with the Selection tool,
or if you select the text directly with the Type tool.
7 Click the Selection tool ( ).
The text object is selected.
8 From the Control bar, click the
Fill Color control and select a
color for the text.
The new document is created.
4 Click the Type tool ( ).
5 Click the canvas.
6 Type your company or
organization’s name.