9 In the Key window on the right, click the Intensity track to add a key at
frame 0 and another key at frame 9.
TIPWhen you move the time slider, the vertical blue lines in the Dope Sheet
indicate the current frame. This is a useful way to find the frame you need.
10 Right-click the first key and set its value to 0. Move to the second key
and set it to 0 as well.
11 Set the Out interpolation value of the first key to Stairstep. This will lock
the glow between the first two keys.
12 Add another key at frame 12. Right-click the key and set its value to 75.0.
13 Add another key at frame 30. Right-click the key and set its value to 0.
14 At frame 9, set the interpolation to Linear for the Out value keys. At frame
12, set the interpolation to Linear for In and Out values, and at frame
30, set Linear for the In value.
15 Close the Intensity dialog by clicking the X button in its title bar.
590 | Chapter 4 Animation Tutorials