Modern Spanish Grammar: A Practical Guide

(lily) #1

18 Use of the subjunctive

Sometimes the subjunctive is automatically required by another element in the
sentence, such as a verb or a conjunction. Sometimes there is a choice between
subjunctive and indicative, in which case there is always a difference in meaning
between the two.

The subjunctive is not ‘avoided’ in Spanish, and is not in any way old-fashioned or
unusual; however, in a number of cases there is an alternative construction with the
infinitive which is normally preferred, especially in speech, because it is shorter and
simpler. An infinitive is the rule when the subject of the main clause and the subject of
the subordinate clause are the same:
Preferiríamos hacerlo más tarde.
We would prefer to do it later. (=We would prefer that we do it later.)
Preferiríamos que lo hiciesen más tarde.
We would prefer them to do it later. (=We would prefer that they do it
Llamaré a Antonia para invitarla a la fiesta. (see 43.5)
I’ll call Antonia in order to invite her to the party. (=I’ll call Antonia so
thatI can invite her.. .)

Llamaré a Antonia para que no se moleste en contestar.
I’ll call Antonia so that she won’t have to bother replying.
The infinitive is also used in the complement of an impersonal verb to denote an
indefinite subject:

 26.2 (p. 132)
No importa tener dinero.
Having money doesn’t matter.

18.1 The subjunctive in complements of verbs and

verbal expressions

The subjunctive is used with a large number of verbs and verbal expressions.
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