Modern Spanish Grammar: A Practical Guide

(lily) #1

18.1.1 Expressions denoting the influence of someone or something on someone or
something else: ordering, permission, necessity, etc.
(a) Indirect commands:

Le rogamos que acepte nuestra oferta. (see 70.1)
We ask you to accept our offer.

Le agradecería (que) me respondiera a la mayor brevedad posible.
I would be grateful if you would reply as soon as possible.

Prefiero que vengas mañana. (see 57.4)
I’d rather you came tomorrow.

 33.4 (p. 200);^57 (p. 333);^67 (p. 375);^68 (p. 381)

(b) Permission:

Permítame que le diga algo. (see 54.1)
Allow me to tell you something.

NOTE Several verbs of permission admit infinitive complements as an alternative to the subjunctive:

Por favor, permítanos quedarnos aquí. (see 54.1)
Please allow us to stay here.

Other common verbs taking an infinitive as well as a subjunctive complement are hacer‘to make’
anddejar‘to allow’.

^54 (p. 314)
(c) Necessity:

Es necesario que vuelvas pronto. (see 47.3)
You need to come back soon.

^45 (p. 266)

18.1.2 Expressions of supposing and imagining

Imagínate que te pida dinero. ¿Se lo prestarás? (see 50 )
Suppose he/she asks you for money. Will you lend it to him/her?

The indicative is used after suponer, imaginarse and figurarse when they are verbs of
thinking (see 50 ), unless they are negated (see 18.1.5):

Me imagino que vendrá a la reunión.
I imagine he/she’ll come to the meeting.


No me imagino que venga a la reunión.
I don’t imagine he/she’ll come to the meeting.


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