Modern Spanish Grammar: A Practical Guide

(lily) #1
Debían (de) ser las seis... corresponds to Eran las seis...
Debió (de) terminar... corresponds to Terminó...
(b) Obligation

 46.1 (p. 272); 61.2 (p. 353)
English ‘ought’ is often rendered in Spanish by the conditional (or colloquially the
imperfect) form of deber.

Debo ir.
I must go.
Debería usted hacerlo de nuevo. (see 61.2)
You should do it again.
Usted debería haber llegado más temprano. (see 61.2)
You should have arrived earlier.
No debías habérselo dicho. (colloquial)
You shouldn’t have said that to him/her.


 46.2 (p. 274); 53.2 (p. 312)
Saber is used to express:

Learned ability:
¿Sabes tocar el piano? (see 53.2)
Can you (= do you know how to) play the piano?


 57.1 (p. 333)
(a) Wishes

A greater degree of politeness is achieved by using the imperfect or the quisiera form.
Queremos viajar a Madrid. (see 57.1)
We want to travel to Madrid.
Quisiéramos verla. (see 57.1)
We would like to see it.

Queríamos decirle algo. (see 57.1)
We wanted (= would like) to tell you something.
(b) Invitation

 70.1 (p. 390)
¿Quieres venir a nuestra fiesta? (see 70.1)
Do you want to come to our party?

Querer 21.4

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