54.1.8 Rogar que+ subjunctive
Rogar, literally ‘to beg’, ‘to request’, is normally used to request something formally,
for example permission, preferably in writing, but sometimes also orally. It is very
common in formal letter writing, such as business correspondence. Note that rogar is
aradical-changing verb (e.g. ruego). (p. 64); 18.1.1 (p. 84); (p. 168)
Le ruego que me autorice para utilizar sus instalaciones.
Please/kindly allow me to use your facilities.
Le rogamos que nos permita asistir a la reunión de la junta directiva.
Please/kindly allow us to attend the board of directors’ meeting.
Les rogamos que nos dejen pasar.
Please let us go in.
54.2 Giving permission
The expressions most commonly used when giving permission are the following:
desde luego‘certainly’, ‘of course’
por supuesto‘certainly’, ‘of course’
claro (que sí)‘certainly’, ‘of course’
¡no faltaba más!‘certainly’, ‘of course’
muy bien‘very well’
está bien‘it’s all right’
de acuerdo‘OK!’, ‘agreed’, ‘right’
poder+ infinitive (see 54.1.1 above) ‘may’
These expressions are often preceded by the word sí. Furthermore, speakers normally
show that they really have no objection to what is being requested by repeating the
word sí and/or the one that follows.
¿Puedo cerrar la puerta? – Sí, sí, ciérrala.
May I close the door? – Yes, close it.
¿Puedo aparcar aquí? – Sí, sí, puede aparcar, no hay problema.
Can I park here? – Yes, you can park, there’s no problem.
¿Se puede usar la piscina? – Sí, sí, se puede.
Can one/you use the swimming pool? – Yes, one/you can.
¿Te importa que deje esto aquí? – ¡Vale, vale!, déjalo.
Do you mind if I leave this here? – OK, OK, leave it.
¿Me dejas usar tu teléfono? – Sí, sí, desde luego.
May I use your phone? – Yes, of course.
¿Me permite pasar al lavabo/baño (L. Am.), por favor? – Sí, pase, pase.
May I use the toilet please? – Yes, come in, come in.
Giving permission 54.2