Modern Spanish Grammar: A Practical Guide

(lily) #1
La verdad es que yo mi infancia y mi adolescencia las recuerdo,
como una época muy feliz.
The truth is that I remember my childhood and adolescence as being a
very happy time.

However, longer topics do usually have a comma:
Los otros niños que conocía en aquel entonces y en cuyos juegos no
me gustaba participar, creía que me detestaban.
I thought that the other children I knew at that time, whose games I did
not like joining in with, hated me.

1.7 Capital letters

Spanish does not use capital letters in certain cases where English does:

(a) With days of the week and months of the year:
Los martes visito a mi abuela.
On Tuesdays I visit my grandmother.

En agosto suele hacer mucho calor.
In August it is usually very hot.
(b) With adjectives and nouns expressing nationality or other affiliation:
Juan es francés.
Juan is French.
No sé si es católica, protestante, judía o musulmana.
I don’t know whether she is a Catholic, a Protestant, a Jew or a Muslim.
Voté por los nacionalistas.
I voted for the Nationalists.
(c) In titles of books, etc., Spanish capitalizes only the first word:

El amor en los tiempos del cólera
Love in the Time of Cholera


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