Modern Spanish Grammar: A Practical Guide

(lily) #1

67.1.5 Debería(s)/tendría(s) que/haría(s) bien en+ infinitive

Like the previous construction, these expressions are common in all forms of language,
particularly in the spoken one.
Deberías intentarlo de nuevo.
You should try again.
Tendría Vd. que pensarlo muy bien.
You would have to think it over.
Harías bien en no contárselo a Pedro.
You’d better not tell Pedro.

67.1.6 Es mejor que + present subjunctive, sería mejor que+ imperfect subjunctive

These two expressions with the subjunctive are generally interchangeable but slightly
more forceful than the previous ones.
Es mejor que renuncies. No puedes seguir así.
You’d better resign. You can’t carry on like this.
Sería mejor que siguieras estudiando.
It would be better if you continued studying.

67.1.7 Aconsejar/sugerir que+ subjunctive

In direct address, these two verbs are usually found in the present tense, with the verb
in the subordinate clause in the present subjunctive.
Te aconsejo que estés preparado.
I would advise you to be prepared.
Le sugiero que compre esas acciones.
I suggest you buy those shares.
Less frequently, the verb in the main clause may be in the conditional, in which case
the verb in the subordinate clause normally takes the imperfect subjunctive.
Te aconsejaría que no fueras.
I would advise you not to go.
Te sugeriría que lo leyeses cuidadosamente.
I would suggest you read it carefully.

67.1.8 Aconsejar/sugerir+ infinitive

Aconsejar and sugerir are also found with the infinitive, but this use appears to be less
common than that with que and the subjunctive.
Le aconsejo volver (que vuelva) mañana.
I would advise you to return tomorrow.
Te sugiero dejarlo (que lo dejes) para otra oportunidad.
I suggest you leave it for another opportunity.

 18.1.1 (p. 84)

Giving advice and making suggestions not involving the speaker 67.1

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