Modern Spanish Grammar: A Practical Guide

(lily) #1
Vamos a tomar una copa.
Let’s go and have a drink. (p. 62); 17.13 (p. 81)

70.1.3 ¿Por qué no+ present?

¿Por qué no... ?, ‘Why don’t you... ?’, followed by a verb in the present, can be used
to make formal as well as informal invitations.

¿Por qué no se queda a cenar con nosotros?
Why don’t you stay and have dinner with us?

¿Por qué no pasas por casa esta noche?
Why don’t you come round to our house tonight?

70.1.4 Present of querer+ infinitive/noun

The use of querer, ‘to want’, in the present to make an invitation or to offer something
to somebody is regarded as informal. In a formal situation querer may sound a little
abrupt. For a formal equivalent expression see 70.1.5 below.

¿Quieres venir a nuestra fiesta?
Do you want to come to our party?

¿Quieres un café?
Do you want a coffee?

 21.4 (p. 101)

70.1.5 Desear+ infinitive/noun

Desear, ‘to want’, ‘to wish’, a verb which is much less common than querer, is
regarded as more formal than this, and therefore suitable for making formal invitations
or offers.

¿Desea usted comer algo?
Would you like to eat something?

¿Desea usted un aperitivo?
Would you like an apéritif? (p. 134)

70.1.6 Querer que+ subjunctive

This construction with a subjunctive is used with both formal and informal invitations
and offers.

¿Quiere usted/quieres que le/te ayude?
Do you want me to help you?

¿Quieres que te acompañe a casa?
Do you want me to accompany you home?

Making an offer or invitation 70.1

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