Modern Spanish Grammar: A Practical Guide

(lily) #1

13 Indefinite and negative pronouns and adjectives

Indefinite pronouns and adjectives denote very general, unspecific concepts, like
‘someone’, ‘something’. Many of them have negative counterparts, like ‘nobody’,

13.1Alguno and ninguno

(a)Alguno as an adjective has the meaning ‘some’, and agrees with its noun in the
normal way (see 2 and 3 ). It is shortened to algún before a masculine singular noun (see
5.1). Ninguno‘no’, its negative counterpart, behaves similarly, although ninguno is
nowadays rarely used in the plural.
algunas flores‘some flowers’
algún libro‘some book’
ninguna manzana‘no apple(s)’

(b)alguno may be used after a singular noun with a negative meaning (the equivalent
of ninguno):

No tengo libro alguno.
I haven’t got a single book.
(c)Alguno and ninguno (the latter again only in the singular) are also used as

Alguna de ellas intentó contestar.
One of them tried to answer.

Algunos murmuraron contra el presidente.
Some grumbled about the president.
Ninguno de mis amigos estaba dispuesto a ayudarme.
None of my friends was prepared to help me.

13.2Alguien and nadie

Alguien has the meaning ‘someone’, ‘somebody’: It is invariable. Nadie‘no one’,
‘nobody’, is its negative counterpart.
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