Modern Spanish Grammar: A Practical Guide

(lily) #1

17 Use of the verb forms

17.1 Present

^71 (p. 399)

17.1.1 Reference to present time

(a) States of affairs in or including the present:
Hace frío. (see 71.1) It’s cold.
¿En qué piensas? (see 71.5) What are you thinking of?
Me gusta Segovia. (see 71.4) I like Segovia.
(b) Habitual actions in the present:
¿Qué haces los fines de semana? (see 71.6)
What do you do at weekends?
(c) General truths:
La mayoría de los españoles son católicos. (see 71.2)
The majority of Spaniards are Catholics.
(d) Ability (with appropriate verbs):
¿Lo oyes? (see 53.1)
Can you hear it?
Teresa lee el chino y el ruso.
Teresa can read Chinese and Russian.

^53 (p. 311)
(e) With ‘since’ expressions, referring to a period of time that continues up until the
Vive en Chile desde hace cinco años. (see 71.7)/Hace cinco años que
vive en Chile.
He has been living in Chile for five years. (i.e. from five years ago (up
until now))
Espero desde hace mucho rato. (see 71.7)/Hace mucho rato que
I’ve been waiting for a long time.

 71.7 (p. 403)

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