Excel for Marketing Managers

(Dana P.) #1

Coordinate Grid Matching

Grid Matching

Coordinate Grid Matching


You are teaching the basics of coordinate grid locations using maps or games,
and you would like something fun for both remediation and practice. You can
make a game-like grid that will randomly place a smiley face within the grid
and then let your students guess the smiley location and have Excel tell them
whether they are right or wrong.

Solution and Overview

You will make a 5 x 5 grid in the upper left corner of a worksheet. (You can
make this larger, if desired, by slightly altering the instructions.) You will
generate random numbers, use the ADDRESS function to generate a cell
location, and then employ some tricks with circular references to allow the
students to check their answers. Each cell requires a unique formula, so copy
and paste is not an option. Work carefully and follow the instructions, and you
should be fine.

Creating the Solution

  1. Set row height.
    Start by moving your cursor to Row 1 on the left edge of the screen. The
    cursor will turn into an arrow. Left-click and drag down to highlight rows 1
    through 5. Move your cursor back up to the line between rows 1 and 2. Your
    cursor will turn into a plus sign with a vertical arrow. Left-click and drag
    down until the row height reads “48.00 (64 pixels)”. Release the mouse but-
    ton and the five rows will change height.

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