Excel for Marketing Managers

(Dana P.) #1

Coordinate Grid Matching

Grid Matching

  1. Set row height.
    Move your cursor to Row 8 on the left edge of the screen and left click to
    highlight the entire row. Move your cursor down slightly to the line be-
    tween rows 8 and 9. Your cursor will turn into a plus sign with a vertical
    arrow. Left-click and drag down until the row height reads “27.00 (36 pix-
    els)”. Release the mouse button and row 8 will change height.

The formula that you will enter next requires you to first make some
changes in the way Excel handles a circular reference, which is a formula
that refers back to its own cell. Normally, this is not allowed, but you can
tell Excel to only calculate the reference one time by using the results of the
previous iteration (a repeated calculation).

  1. Enter the circular reference formula.
    From the Tools drop down menu, click on Options and then the Calculation
    tab. At the top, click on Manual. Click on the box next to the word Iteration
    and change the number of Maximum iterations to 1. Click OK to exit.

Figure 150
Allowing a circular
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