Excel for Marketing Managers

(Dana P.) #1
Coordinate Grid Matching

Grid Matching

smiley face) only under certain conditions. In essence, you will be forcing
Excel to do circular reasoning against its better judgment. Here you go!

  1. Enter a formula to display the response to a student’s answer.
    Click on cell B10 and drag to the right and down to highlight cells B10:D11.
    Press Ctrl+1 for the Format cells dialog box. From the Alignment tab,
    change Text Alignment to Center in both directions and click the box next
    to Merge cells under Text Control. From the Font tab, change the font to
    Arial, size 20. The formula will contain what are called nested IF state-
    ments. Copy carefully, and watch the punctuation! Here is the formula:
    =IF(D8=””,””,IF(D8=”?”,IF(B8=A8,”Very Good!”,”Try Again.”)))

Figure 155
Nested IF formula will
provide conditional response
to answer student put in B8
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