Excel for Marketing Managers

(Dana P.) #1

Candy Bar Fractions

Candy Bar

  1. Merge and format cells D10 and E10.
    Click on cell D10 and drag to the right to also select E10. Press Ctrl+1 and
    make the following changes:

a. From the Alignment tab, change General under Horizontal to Center.
Under Text Control, click on the box next to Merge Cells.

b. Change the Font type to Arial, size 20. Click OK to exit.

  1. Now you will make some conditional formatting changes to the merged cell

a. From the drop down menu, select Format, and then Conditional For-
mat. As before, change the word “between” to “equal to” on the drop
down menu.

b. In the large rectangle, type in the following: Correct!
Click on Format, and select a green color from the second row from the
bottom of the palette. Click OK.

c. You need to add a second condition, so click on the box with “Add >>”.
As before, change “between” to “equal to”, and then type in the following
words: Try again.

d. Click on Format and select Pink from the bottom row. Click OK twice to

Figure 177
Adding a
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