Excel for Marketing Managers

(Dana P.) #1
Math Facts Game

Math Facts

the mouse button. Press Ctrl+1, and make the same changes that you did
in Step 4 to each text box.

  1. Put borders around the text boxes.
    Click on the first text box; hold down the left mouse button and drag down
    to select all four text boxes. Select the Borders icon in the toolbar at the top
    of the page and click on the down arrow. Click on Outline Borders.

  2. Before you begin typing, you will need to make some changes to the way
    Excel automatically tries to figure out what you want to type. Usually this
    is helpful, but for this exercise it will just prove to be annoying! From the
    drop down menus, select Tools and then Options and click on the Spelling
    tab. At the bottom of the page, click on AutoCorrect. Uncheck the box next
    to “Capitalize first letter of sentences” and click OK twice to exit. When you
    are done with this exercise, you may want to change it back.

  3. Type the following in the text boxes you just made.

a. In the top text box, type in:

  1. The numbers in the GREEN boxes below are the sum and product of
    two other numbers. When you think you know what the numbers are, type
    them into the RED boxes.

For extra emphasis, you can highlight the names of colors, and change the font color
to match the word. Use the Font Color icon in the toolbar at the top of the page.

Figure 186
Configuring AutoCorrect options
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