Excel for Marketing Managers

(Dana P.) #1
Math Facts Game

Math Facts

=IF(G19=””,””,IF(G19=”show”,A1&” and ”&A2,IF
(AND(G19=”?”,C19+E19=D16,C19*E19=F16),“Correct!”,“Sorry! Try again.”)))

  1. To highlight the answers generated by the last formula, you will format the
    three merged cells to display a different color for each response.

a. Select the merged cells. From the drop down menu at the top, select
Format, and then Conditional Formatting. The Conditional Formatting
dialog box will appear. The first box defaults to “Cell Value Is”.

b. In the second box, click on the drop down menu arrow, and select “equal

Be especially careful of punctuation, upper and lower case, and spaces. Make sure
that you type everything as one continuous line with no breaks.
Note that near the beginning of the formula, there are two sets of double quotation
marks (they can NOT be apostrophes!).
After A1, there is an ampersand (&) followed by a quotation mark (”). There needs
to be a space before and after the word “and” that follows in order to have the
correct spacing of text in the merged cell.
Also, there should never be a space after any comma that you type, even though
the type-setting of this book may look like there is.
After you finish typing, there will be nothing displayed in the merged cells yet. You
still need to add two more formulas.

Figure 192
Setting up Condi-
tion 1 in the
Formatting dialog

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