Secret Code Maker
Code Maker
- Set row height.
Move your cursor to the horizontal line between row 1 and row 2 at the left
edge of the worksheet. The cursor will change into a plus sign, this time
with vertical arrows. Left click and drag down until the row height reads
45.00 (60 pixels). - Select and format range B1:P1.
Click on cell B1 and drag to the right to highlight the range B1:P1. With
your cursor inside the highlighted area, right-click and select Format Cells
from the drop down menu; make the following changes:
a. Alignment tab: In Text Alignment, change both Horizontal and Vertical
to Center by clicking on the down arrow in the menu box. Under Text
Control, click next to Merge Cells to add a check mark to that box.
b. Font tab: Change the Font to Jenkins v2.0 and the Size to 48. If your
computer does not have that font style, try Bradley Hand ITC, Papyrus,
or Staccato. Find something a little out of the ordinary.
c. Border tab: Click Outline from the Presets.
d. Patterns: Select the light green color from the bottom row of the palette.
Click OK to exit.
- Type the following into the text box you just made: Secret Code Maker
- Select and format range A2:Q5.
Move the cursor to cell A2. Left-click and drag to the right and down to
highlight the range A2:Q5. With the cursor inside the highlighted cells,
right-click and select Format Cells. Make the following changes:
Figure 201
Setting row height