Excel for Marketing Managers

(Dana P.) #1
Secret Code Maker

Code Maker

  1. Correct and format title block.
    Excel isn’t smart enough to know exactly what you wanted. Check the large
    text box at the top of the page. Where it once contained “Secret Code Maker”
    it now says “Secret Char Maker”. That’s OK, because you needed to change it

a. Left-click on the merged cells; type in the following text: Secret Decoder
Press Enter.

b. Click on it again, and then click on the Paint Bucket icon on the top of
the page. Click on the down arrow to open the palette, and select light
yellow from the bottom row.

  1. Click on the text box that starts in row 2 and change the text as follows:
    To decode your message, you need to copy and paste the message from your
    friend into the first grid below. Copy the message from the other file using Ctrl+C,
    and then click on the GREEN box. From the drop down menus, select Paste
    Special, and click on Text. Or, you can type each number into a separate box in the

  2. Click on cell B7, and use the Paint Bucket icon to change the color to a dark

  3. Delete unnecessary text box.
    On the left edge of the worksheet, click on the 15 in row 15 and drag down
    to highlight rows 15 through 17. Right-click and select delete. You do not
    need this text box.

Figure 205
Selecting a fill color for the
merged cells
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